Mini Caramel Apples!

>> Friday, October 29, 2010

With Fall comes Caramel Apples!  I saw mini caramel apples posts by every dessert/food/craft blogger, and they were so cute, we HAD to give it a go.  While I love anything and everything mini (or larger than life), and while I love that these were bite size, the caramel kept sliding off the fleshy part of the mini apple. We made the caramel from scratch (our first time) and I thought I was going to die from getting sugar burns or completely burn the sugar, but it turned out perfect.  Not sure I really recommend our two readers to make some at home, but it wasn't really difficult; you just need to keep an eye on it once all the water boils off.

Anyway, look at these babies:


Spooktacular Creations

Sprinkles! Lots of sprinkles - in every color, shape and size make cookie decorating lots of fun for friends and family.  It's exciting trying out some new cookie cutters, just in time for Halloween.  Which is your favorite treat?


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